For the past few years, galmaegisal (갈매기살) has been massively trendy among Koreans. Galmaegisal refers to pork ‘skirt-meat,’ basically the portion between the pig’s liver and midriff. (I have a confession: galmaegi is also a homonym, with the more commonly known word translating into ‘seagull’; the first time my friends suggested it, I didn’t want to reveal my ignorance and thus didn’t ask any questions, and thought the entire time that I was eating a kind of bird.) It usually ranges in price from about 6,000-8,000 won for a serving at barbeque restaurant chains, although admittedly the tag can differ quite a bit depending on the specific place.
Seorae (서래) is a chain of restaurant and it is known for galmaegisal, which can be found in different locations all over Seoul. Seorae is also franchised to many countries like Singapore, Indonesia,...
PRICE: 6,000 - 8000 won/person
Source: A Guide To K-BBQ: Pt. 1 (Galmaegisal)